Google Logo Login/register with Google account
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With your free registration and membership login you can use personal features such as:
· Select your favourite foods from the Ygeia24 calorie counter and store them in your personal calorie counter
· Meal planner: add specific foods and quantities to your meal plan to automatically calculate the total calories of your meals
· Create a list of favourite articles.
· A diary with entries of your weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) progress. Option to add personal notes to each diary entry.
At the moment, you can connect to our system using a Google account. uses Google's secure login system and the only information sent by Google to is:
- your email address (Gmail)
- your full name, as stored in your Google/Gmail account
- your profile photo (if set in your Google account)
This information is provided directly by Google (as if you were sending an email address with your Gmail account) and none of these details are stored on our servers.